Gum disease is a severe infection that affects your gums and oral health. Aside from inducing oral risks, this could develop to general health issues, like heart disease, diabetes and stroke. This explains why preventing gum disease remains vital after all these years.
Based on experts, gum disease involves a series of stages. Its mildest form is gingivitis while its most severe stage is periodontitis. Gingivitis comes with different indications and symptoms. Though it is gum disease’s mildest and less pain form, the conditions associated with this disorder also involves a painful form. Majority of those who suffer from gingivitis put up with bad breath, bleeding gums and chronic soreness. All these, when carried in one, you probably have trench mouth.
Trench mouth involves painful and severe pain to your gums. As rare as its name, the condition is a wake-up call because it indicates weak immune system and poor oral health. Trench mouth means your mouth has excessive level of bacteria. These bad microorganisms cause infection that can destroy your gum tissues and result in further dental irregularities, like advanced gum disease. There are different factors that will set off trench mouth condition. The most common reason is bad oral habits. Bad oral habits include different unhealthy practices, such as excessive smoking, alcohol drinking, extreme stress, unbalanced diet and dental neglect. Trench mouth, however, comes with numerous warning signs. The commonest warning symptom of trench mouth is having gum issues. Trench mouth risks involve swelling and reddening of gums that can result to intense bleeding. This makes you suffer from eating and speech problems.
Other warning indications of trench mouth are mouth ulcers, bad breath, having gray films on gums and non-dental symptoms. Non-dental symptoms involved in trench mouth syndrome are high fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, jaw and head.
The great news is there are cures and remedies for trench mouth. The most common medication is antibiotics. Antibiotics are anti-infection prescribed drugs that allow you to heal your inflamed gums and trench mouth. Followed by this treatment is deep cleaning of dental plaques and tartars. Gum experts identified this remedy as scaling and root planing procedure. The SRP procedure allows your dentist to clean your mouth, teeth and gums through removing bad bacteria, dental plaques and tartars. In case the therapy doesn’t work well in your case, your dentist might resort to gum surgery. Surgical treatment for trench mouth cases usually indicates severe infection in your gums. Gum surgery repairs damaged tissues of gums. It involves procedures that can prevent trench mouth from transpiring and taking place again.
There are numerous post-care treatments used to speed up your healing period. Your dentist may offer you pain relievers to manage infection and control pain or discomfort.
Trench mouth indeed is a serious dental problem. If you want to avoid all the hassles, consider dental care or navigate here. Dental care is the foremost and basic technique against trench mouth. This preventive technique necessitates you to brush and floss your teeth and visit your dentist regularly.