Author Archives: alona
Handle Fear & Phobia in Three Ways
For countless years, dental fear has affected millions of people. This makes it one of the most perilous and prevalent dental conditions to mankind of all ages. While stress is the primary factor that causes this problem, our 24 hour dentists in Columbus focus more on its adverse effects to the oral health and body; should the concerned person…
Boost Mental Health thru Dental Care
Everything depends on you. The way you treat your body, mouth and entire health, always fall in your hands. This is why your dentist always reminds you about your oral health and how you should exercise dental care to ensure it won’t acquire the risks of dental problems. Dental care is a living proof…
Dental Strategies for Tongue Health
It’s not easy to cope with dental problems. That’s why dentists always suggest us to secure our oral health through the help of dental care and preventive dentistry. This platform involves different dental strategies that secure your teeth, gums, mouth and of course, your tongue. Dentists are very keen with regards to our tongue health.…
Dental Floss Clean the Unreachable
Did you know that flossing is the most uncommon and neglected dental care regimen? Some people find it useless because there’s toothbrush and toothpaste. Others ignore this because they think it doesn’t exist. Despite all these facts, learn that dental floss is among the most powerful techniques in cleaning your teeth and improving oral health. Dental floss comes…
Detrimental Effects of Toothpaste
It won’t hurt if you try to exercise dental care. After all, it is the most effective avenue against dental problems. This preventive technique helps you fight and combat dental problems thru prevention. There’s no doubt why dentists find it as the most convenient, affordable and reliable source of having perfect smile, oral health and body. However, there…
Common Dental Problems to Kids
Dental care should start at childhood. This reminder is what parents should learn and abide with. They can do this along with the professional aid of a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentist in Columbus is a dental health professional whose main function is to provide and deliver dental care services to young patients. However, the practice of…
Dental Abrasion: Adverse Effect of Excessive Brushing
Just like fluoride, brushing your teeth hard can cause adverse reactions to your oral health. This is among the primary reasons of getting gum bleeding and inflammation. The friction brought on by excessive brushing affects teeth and gums. Excessive brushing of teeth can lead to dental abrasion. This infamous dental difficulty is common to those…
Decayed Details of Having Rotten Teeth
Human teeth die. It’s only a matter of time and circumstances before you experience it. After all, your oral health’s welfare falls in your hands at the end of the day. This explains why dentists keep on reminding us about good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is an essential part of dental care that aims to promote excellent oral…
Erosive Facts of Enamel & Tooth Erosion
There are lots of things you need to consider in terms of your oral health. Aside from dental care, you need to exercise healthy lifestyle as it can strongly affect your teeth and gums. Of course, let’s not forget professional care. A Dentist on call after hours helps you evaluate and assess your oral health and see whether…
Dental Perils of Having Trench Mouth
Gum disease is a severe infection that affects your gums and oral health. Aside from inducing oral risks, this could develop to general health issues, like heart disease, diabetes and stroke. This explains why preventing gum disease remains vital after all these years. Based on experts, gum disease involves a series of stages. Its mildest…