Author Archives: alona
Unconventional Dental Care Regimen
Fighting tooth decay and gum diseases have always been done by strictly following orders from affordable oral surgeons, and cleaning the oral cavity with dental care products. The ever-reliable toothbrush and floss are the most effective means of cleaning and maintaining your dental health. This doesn’t mean that you have to stick to these tools though.…
Kitchen Spices that Boosts Your Oral Health
Since ancient times, herbs and spices were used to address simple to complicated issues of your oral health. Modern science may have developed synthetic cures and treatments but the humble spices can still deliver and be as effective. Different spices can offer cleaning, healing and preventive effects of bacterial infections. These cooking aids can offer…
Dental Benefits from the Sea: Fish Oils
The benefits of fish oil for our body have long been recognized by scientists and 24 hr dentists. It’s only recently that people start to realize that it also offers health benefits for our dental health. You can see labels from fish products or supplements that offer Omega 3 fatty acids. This indicates it’s good for…
Milk’s Contribution to Preventing Periodontal Disease
Adults and children alike need to have their daily dose of milk. Drinking it not only helps to develop growing kids, but it protects adults against bone diseases and periodontal disease as well. Time and time again, the benefits of milk and other milk products are praised for their role in protecting teeth and gums.…
Key Vitamins & Minerals to Secure Oral Health
Your body acquires vitamins and minerals through food or supplements that nourish the body. Just like anything else, balance is always the key. The lack or excess of one vitamin or mineral does the body harm. This is why it’s important that you take enough amounts of your daily nutritional serving. Your teeth and gums…
Points on Dental Tourism
It has been a growing concern of people that affordability of oral health care is getting steep. Dental treatments equate to spending a lot of money. For practical people, its second nature to save up and find means and ways to cut cost on their daily activities and future plans. As each year pass, the…
Personality of Good Dentist
A trip to a 24 hour dentist around Columbus OH is much easier when you have established a good relationship with your healthcare professional. Kids and adults often attribute going to the dentist as an experience out of a nightmare. The only way to bridge the gap between the patient and the dentist often lies on…
Gain Gum Health: One Apple-At-A-Time
We have always been warned of the bad effects of sugary foods on our dental health. All the signs are up yet we still can’t help but reach for that favorite snack on the grocery store. You can tell the state of people’s oral health with what you can see on their grocery bags. Dentists…
Cheap, Healthy Treats for Teeth
When you find a dentist in Columbus Ohio, the very first thing you will learn is to stay away from sugary foods and drinks to keep your teeth healthy. We do a lot of stuff just to protect our oral health and yet we still have dental issues. Having a solid dental care regimen does not…
Who’s Close to Dental Fear?
For people who less care of their oral health learn that the overall health is at risk, too. Oral health lays a window to your body that allows medical health experts to observe and see if you have health problems or not. Dentists who work in 24 hour dental clinics proved that oral symptoms can trigger even the…